Think outside the kit

STEM education shouldn’t mean staring at screens

Students crave the opportunity to experiment on their own, build something hands-on, and see the impact of their decisions on real-world projects. By fostering this opportunity, we unleash their potential.

Everything you need to bring robotics to your school

Expert instructors

Most schools that already have a successful robotics club are able to make it work because of one “unicorn” teacher continuously championing the club every year.

After School Robotics is a group of engineering professionals with education experience who want to work together to be that unicorn for your school.

Hands-on curriculum

Robotics is where the classroom knowledge of physics, engineering, design, and computer science is rigorously applied in the real world. Our students get to build simple bots with their hands on day 1, and can progressively improve their ideas by immediately being able to physically test them.

By the end of the year, students are using computer-aided design software, 3D printing, and offsite computer-controlled machining processes.

Real-world parts and tech

Students crave the opportunity to exercise their creativity at school, instead of following instructions and plugging premade modules together.

We give students a budget to order the exact parts they need in order for their robot to precisely accomplish their goal. By the end of the year, students are also designing new custom parts that nobody has ever made before.